Monday, August 13, 2007

Project 2 Update

Over the last couple of days Ive done a few tests at trying to create the aesthetic i am after for the environment, I will begin getting into the code once Ive got the look right. I started by simply taking my basic environment from my previous test and rendering out a wireframe version to get the 'Tron' look I was after. I felt this test was pretty unsuccessful as the end result looked quite messy and the character just didn't fit it, Also the environment was fairly static looking.

I went back to the drawing board and put together another basic wireframe environment, this time with a white background and more opaque to clean it up a little. I wanted to have a go at parallaxing so I animated and rendered a few frames of the ground plane, as well as static frames for each of the cubes. I imported these into flash and using the motion tween, animated the blocks at various speeds to give the illusion they are moving with the background. I felt this test was far more successful, However as the blocks are only a single frame each, they look very flat, I'm not really sure how I can fix this, but i will keep at it.

I also felt my blog was getting a bit messy and it was hard to follow my progress. So Ive started uploading my experiments to youtube, although the quality isn't great they are a bit easier to watch this way, I also uploading a few of my earlier tests and reposted them below.

Here's the previous experiment I did, just testing my character in between a background and foreground layer in flash.

And heres the final 3d walkcycle, compared to my original 2d version.

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