Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Project 3 Proposal

After spending the past two weeks working on project 2, and creating a rich 3d aesthetic, I wanted to go in a different direction for project 3. I really liked the simple black and white outline look of the game we looked at earlier, Flyguy.

Using Flyguy as a precedent, I came up with my own character 'Sketch boy' by rotoscoping an image of an artist mannequin. I wanted to create a really low-tech hand drawn kind of feel to the game, as though somebody is drawing it as you play.

As far as gameplay is concerned, I think scrolling would work best, but I could see it working in other forms, such as isometric or even top down. The player, controlling sketch boy has to complete various puzzles to make it through the game. The puzzles are in the form of completing the landscape through filling in gaps in the landscape by drawing. Sketch boy only has a limited amount of ink to for each level so the player has to use it sparingly or they Will be left stranded. There will be switch's scattered through out the map, that will toggle parts of the landscape on/off. Which need to be tripped to complete the map.

A mock up of the sketchy style I want to use.

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